Editor: 3DMonster is easy-to-use tool designed for creating depth masks for single-image stereograms, for use with 3DMiracle and other SIRDS/SIS programs. Its main features allow the user to import of 3D objects from 3DS format; move and rotate 3D odjects to obtain the proper view in output depth mask; create high-resolution bitmap depth masks; create animated masks for animated stereograms; export animated masks in AVI files compressed with any available codec or bitmap sequences; and more. No picture size limitations in registered version. Installation package includes a set of sample 3DS models. DirectX5 based.
The main features of 3DMonster:
* Import of 3d objects from 3ds format;
* Resolution of output bitmap depth masks up to 10000X10000 (in registered version);
* Creation of animated depth masks for animated stereograms;
* Static depth masks may be saved in BMP files. Animated depth masks may be saved in AVI files compressed with any available codec or in BMP sequence;
* Possibility to move and rotate 3D odject to obtain it's proper view in output depth mask;
* For creation of animated depth mask it is possible to set rotation parameters for 3d object;
* Multilanguage support.